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The characteristics of a good tenant
One of the most important decisions you make as a landlord interested in putting your property up for rent is the appropriate choice of tenant
In order for a candidate to stand out as a good tenant, they must meet certain requirements.
The characteristics that identify a good tenant are the following:
A sense of responsibility
The person to whom you entrust your property must be responsible. A responsible tenant will pay the rent on time each month and will abide by all the terms of the contract and agreement.
Having such a tenant fills you with a sense of security.
The question is, how can we distinguish a responsible tenant?
Responsible individuals pay great attention to communication. From the very first moment, they will immediately inform you about any problem in the house. Candidates who respond in a timely manner and give you the necessary information before you even ask them, will not create a problem in the future.
Consistency counts above all else: If you make a tour appointment, a responsible tenant will be there on time. If they are late for any reason, they will apologize and let you know the reason for the delay in a timely manner.
Once you proceed with the rental and concession, some inspections of the space, especially in the early days, are considered necessary.
The characteristics of a good tenant, certainly include a valid and assured ability to repay the rent. If his income is verified from the beginning and prior to the agreement, his solvency will be immediately ensured.
Candidates who are dependents, such as students and other social groups, must be able to declare a co-signer. Before entering into and signing the contract with them, ensure that you have included the co-signer in the agreement in particular.
Obviously, honesty is a very important quality for a person in every situation and aspect of life. Honesty makes a tenant a sought after and desirable candidate.
A man who chooses to move with lies from the beginning of the deal is very likely to act deceitfully later on. For example, he or she may go for the option of subletting, i.e. letting a third party move into your space that is not provided for in the agreement.
Long-term leasing
A safe option to ensure a good tenant for your property is to stay in your property as long as possible. A good agreement when signing contracts, for a long lease, is a way of gaining trust. For example, a 4ft contract, gives a sense of financial security and confidence on the part of the tenant.
If he or she gains commitments, for example by starting a family or getting a job in the area, he or she is likely to stay for a long period of time.
A good tenant, will need a worthy incentive to renew your contract at the end of the lease period. For example, keeping the rent price the same for the next period is an incentive. If this is not possible, you can offer services to improve the space, such as a useful renovation, painting the house or replacing an old appliance.
Choosing the right tenant, should be done wisely and above all with cooperation. The decision should be made with prudence, patience and evaluation.
Landlords who are struggling to rent their property, go through the chimera of choices, out of desperation. Concession of the property, is an investment. Handle the matter with detail and responsibility. Trust the experts, the people who know only success, the professionals at Athens Living!